Black and white

I think I am not the coloring type. I like to keep my drawings in black and white. I am a bit insecure about this, should I color my drawings a bit more or keep them as they are. I haven’t showed all te pages of my mini art-journal, just for this reason.


The drawing of the cat and the bird is also in black and white, but I made a clipping of the drawing an glued it to a coloring background. I added also some stickers with flowers, but I think that was not a great idea.

The neighbor cat (she is actually black) and its prey are central in my page. The cat is very well done and has some feathers in his mouth. She looks happy with her action. The black bird hasn’t survived the cats action. I had to bury the bird in the garden.



art-journal1Although the cold has vanished, I am still in wintermodus and made another page in my mini art-journal, with wintersketch and bird clippings. I have put a picture of every bird in our backyard on this page and some feathers also. Rather sad was the fact, that we found a dead blackbird beneath the hedge. The poor fellow was slain by our neighbor cat. We think the cat surprised him while he was foraging in the yard. Alice