Neurographic art

In my Art-journal I made some Neural Art drawings. This one was the first, just made after some pictures in Pinterest. It was also a test for the used paper in my Art-journal. And so you can see the paper is not so good, the ink flows a bit out and is grainy. The colors were made with some cheap paint-markers, but the were a dried out. Ik have painted them again with my ecoline markers. I also used some gold in a few places. The paper became also a bit wobbly. Alice

Color in the garden

kerstroosSlowly the garden is coloring from browns and greens to more bright colors. First there are the snowdrops, they are everywhere with their white caps dangling in the wind. The yellow Aconitum flowers are now pale and almost perished, but a dot of white and pink flowers has taken their place, It is the hellebore, which flowers in the rain. I am wanting to do some cleaning in the garden, but it is rainy days, every day of the week, so I put my knitted shawl around my shoulders and wait till it will be spring. Alice


windowsI am still looking for a modus in which to express myself in my mini art-journal. So I am hesitating about the adding of color to my drawings. Does coloring add something or is it just a diversion. While sleeping and dreaming it occurred to me that a drawing with little squares had to be made. While drawing the little squares I saw suddenly small windows in which all kind of things happened. Maybe it is a flat in which people house, or it is only small squares with curtains and light-bulbs or just some doodling. But there is still the question should I add some color to the image. Alice